Saturday, September 27, 2008



Pan is widely worshiped by Neopagans and Wiccans today, where he is considered a powerful God.verry famous in greak myths and legends Pan pops up within them a lot..

His accupation i s a charmer and he is a musician. He is the one that has goat leags and dances and is qite charming.

Pan never finds hes victims, He will makes is so that they find him in a time of despreat need.
he convenietly apears..offering help to his host.
Pan "dos" run you on aronds for him after you have shown that you could need his help.
Any aronds you do though u won't know it is for the benefit of him taking control of the sitchuation.
He wants to take control over his victems deseprate time of need. by making his victems do things to put them in a wors sitchuation.
Pan plays for winns.

On a way more subtle approach hes just a voice in your head.
hes going to make bad things intrigue. not action, mostly appearances.


I think he looks at woman as the easyest target. in variuos cenarios always involved a girl.
Maybe he looks at woman as more fragile and in need when alone?

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