Monday, September 29, 2008

about familiar spirits

Ok I have some things to say about familiar spirits.

Some people think that they are spirits that can look like one of your family members ore someone close to you.

They are demons.

Familiar spirits work mainely through dreams.
Making it appear as though someoen close to you is doing something bad.
They can take form of anyone.

You know that dream ware your mom ore dad ore brother terns bad and attacks you?
Well sometimes in the case a familiar spirit is at work.
Familiar spirits usually stay in a place for a long time.
Familiar spirits can be in a new house you have just moved in to but have not prayed over it.

(They can work through depression and your anxiety.(take note to avoid)

Familiar spirits work for one purpose _ to saparate you from family and friends.
To make the relation line break apart from the people you cause disunity in your mind.
That way u can feel alone.and when your alone your week.

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